Hormone Imbalance and Anxiety:
Causes and How You Can Find Relief

Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice. It knows all your insecurities and uses them against you. It gets to the point when it's the loudest voice in the room. The only one you can hear.” -anonymous

Anxiety can lead one to feel secluded as insecurities and fears crowd out other thoughts. Anxiety is by no means a solitary struggle. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that approximately 18% of the population, over 40 million American adults, have reported some form of anxiety disorder. And women are more than twice as likely to get an anxiety disorder in their lives.

Can A Hormone Imbalance Cause Anxiety?

Many women seek out help from a doctor which we always say is the first and best choice.  Sometimes anxiety is an emotional response, sometimes it’s a chemical response, and sometimes it’s both. Hormones are a key chemical influence that affects anxiety on several levels.  If hormones are indeed at the root of your anxiety, there are many ways to soothe and manage the symptoms naturally.

How Do Your Hormones Influence Anxiety?

Cortisol Induced Anxiety

Cortisol is a “get up and go” hormone. It helps us wake up in the morning and turns on when we need to move our body quickly. However, it’s often referred to as the “stress hormone” because it’s activated by physical or emotional strain.  When cortisol is consistently elevated or depleted you can experience something referred to as Adrenal Fatigue. The repercussions can be dangerous on both our physical and mental health affecting mood, energy levels, sleep rhythm, and of course, anxiety.

Thyroid and Anxiety

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck that produces hormones to control how you use up energy, your temperature, your weight, and many other regulatory processes.  When thyroid function is disrupted it can have harmful effects. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid is underactive. And hyperthyroidism is when it is overactive. If you suffer from either of these conditions one of the key symptoms is anxiety. To put it in context, the Cleveland Clinic estimated around 20 million people in the US have a thyroid condition.

Estrogen Induced Anxiety

Women with low progesterone and estrogen levels are often likely to suffer from anxiety in some form. This is why many women of all ages can feel panicky and anxious during PMS or around menopause.  Estrogen specifically helps to transport serotonin (a natural mood stabilizer) around the body. Therefore, when estrogen is at a low level in the body, you will often find your mood and anxiety are at their worst.

4 Ways to Get Hormonal Anxiety Relief

Medications often prescribed by doctors help manage and block many of the symptoms of anxiety, however, they are not always effective in treating the root causes. In some cases, this can cause more harm than good, especially if it’s the only long-term option offered. When it comes to hormone imbalance and anxiety there are always natural relief options to try. With that in mind, there are a couple of natural supplements that can work at the root of your hormonal anxiety and help ease anxiety in a healthy and sustainable way. 

1. Ashwagandha

This adaptogen enhances the body's ability to respond to different forms of stress. In tandem, it normalizes cortisol levels that are linked to stress and anxiety.

2. L-Theanine

This is often referred to as nature's Xanax and in turn is taking over the vitamin aisle. We particularly like L-Theanine because it has the ability to calm the body without giving up mental clarity.

3. Rhodiola Rosea

This is another fabulous adaptogen that stimulates serotonin and dopamine activity in the body, both of which are very important neurotransmitters that are believed to be key to a happy and healthy cognitive function.

4. Knowell 

The Knowell supplement supports hormonal balance by combining 28 ingredients filled with high-quality vitamins, probiotics, and botanicals. It works to provide the nutritional foundation to help regulate hormones. 

Get Relief For Hormonal Anxiety Today

Beyond all, if you are suffering high levels of anxiety or are feeling especially low, seek out medical advice. There are many reasons you may be feeling anxious and in turn many options for treatment. Whether this is medication to help balance your thyroid or cognitive behavioral therapy to help train your mind to overcome social anxieties, a medical professional is trained to offer you the help you need. Don't suffer in silence.  

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